While traditional advent calendars have been used by my family for years, this year I created a vintage chalkboard Christmas Countdown Advent Calendar based on one I saw in a Ballard Designs catalog. It was super easy and inexpensive to make, and I want to share with you how I did it.
I made this chalkboard with some plexiglass and an empty vintage frame I picked up a few years ago. You can see how I made it here.
And when I saw this simple rustic Christmas Countdown/Advent Calendar in the latest Ballard Designs catalog I knew I already had just the right chalkboard to pull it off. Luckily, I still save actual catalog pages because the Ballard website does not have a picture of it. So here's a picture I scanned from the actual catalog page I ripped out for my inspiration file. Yes, I circled it with Sharpie!
It's really easy to make once you have the chalkboard.
How To Make Your Own Chalkboard Advent Calendar
1. Just attach three strands of jute or string in any color of your choosing to the back of the frame. I attached my string with masking tape.
2. Write down the numbers 1 through 25 for each day in the month of December leading up to Christmas.
3. Then put "Merry Christmas" at the top. I found a free font I liked (it's called "Milkshake") and printed it out in Word, then used the reverse chalk transfer method I've used a number of times before. I also added some laurel leaves free hand as embellishment.
4. Next you'll need to add 25 Christmas ornaments. I chose to use alternating silver and gold ornaments a la Dollar Tree (from last year) and I hung them with regular ornament hooks.
I have to digress here and share a chalking tip I just recently discovered. If you already know this, then good for you! Did you know that you can sharpen chalk? I mean, honest to God sharpen it?
How cool is that? Wish I had known this before I went out and bought chalk pens! My only caveat is that you need a sharpener with a WIDE opening to accommodate the chalk. Otherwise, it's a great way to make your chalk as easy to use as a marker.
4. Next you'll need to add 25 Christmas ornaments. I chose to use alternating silver and gold ornaments a la Dollar Tree (from last year) and I hung them with regular ornament hooks.
5. Finally, add some greenery. Mr. CBD was a doll and went out and got me some, no questions asked. I think it adds just the right touch, don't you? Mine cost $7.99 (the cost of the garland since I already had everything else). Theirs: $159 (and that's just for the chalkboard). You then just remove one ornament a day until Christmas! I hung it in our foyer so we all can see it multiple times a day. I also added some mini fiber optic lights for a great effect at night. It's a great reminder of the season.
The "sidekicks" to the chair are my Pottery Barn barrel basket with lid/side table and some white Christmas trees. I later added a vintage-inspired pre-lit bottle brush tree.
The red and white plaid pillow is an older pillow covered with an Ikea pillow cover. The Noel pillow is from Target's dollar bin. The faux sheepskin is also from Ikea. The slipper chair is from an estate sale.

Overall I'm super pleased with it. I can't wait to start counting down to Christmas!
Well, that's it until next time, friends!
I hope you enjoyed reading about my
Vintage Chalkboard Christmas Countdown/Advent Calendar
and that I've inspired you in some way.
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Wow, you knocked that one right out of the park! I predict a lot of positive reactions to this little project, Kathleen--it's super duper.
Love it, Kathleen & the cozy little nook! Blessings, Cecilia
I LOVE this! Great idea to use the plexiglass for the chalkboard. Beautiful and inspiring. Thanks, Kathleen for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.
Love the garland and of course the creative advent calendar!
That looks awesome Kathleen! I love how it turned out! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!
I will feature this today Kathleen I loved it.
What a great idea; more stuff to plan for next year! Will keep a lookout for ornaments after Christmas! Went to K-Mart yesterday. They had 12 packs of INDOOR SNOWBALLS for $10. Like THAT would ever happen in this house full of knick knacks... But they were great 3 1/2"ish sized pom poms...if they have any left after Christmas 1/2 off, they have my name on them. Won't they make great wreathes? Like in Maine, we need FAKE snowballs!
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